The home of longitudinal data analysis

Data is essential for understanding the world around us. Longitudinal data has a special place in this context as it can help us understand how individuals, institutions and societies change in time. Longitudinal data can take different shapes from panel studies in the social sciences to administrative data, social media data and sensor data.

The aim of this website is to bring together useful resources regarding the collection, analysis and presentation of longitudinal data. The aim is to have an interdisciplinary view, bringing the best methods from different fields while covering practicalities such as data cleaning, transformation and efficient storage.


Longitudinal data analysis using R

The book covers all the key skills needed for preparing, exploring and analyzing longitudinal data. To facilitate understanding and help readers learn these skills it interweaves statistical modelling, with computer code and visualizations. It does this using real world data, code and outputs that the readers can replicate.

Features of the book


Applied introduction to R

Learn how to use R with real world social science data.


Hands on data cleaning

Learn all the key skills and commands to clean and transform complex longitudinal data.


Visualize and describe longitudinal data

Make beautiful graphs and tables to describe change in time.


Multilevel modelling

Learn how to apply multilevel (hierarchical models) to longitudinal data to investigate individual trends.


Structural Equation Modelling

Learn how to use advanced models such as longitudinal mediation, cross-lagged models and latent growth models.


Up to date code

The book is updated regularly to insure the code is up to date and running.